Thursday, February 4, 2010

Anna being cute.

Anna is starting to sit in her bouncy chair. She'll sit in it for about 20 minutes so her mom can do some work:)

She is also starting to smile, but I haven't caught it in a picture yet. This picture is about as close as I have gotten.

Here is a pic of her sleeping. I thought it was cute. She is such a sweetheart. She is starting to sleep through the night which is a definite plus. I can almost function normally again. She likes to be cuddled during the day so I still don't get a whole lot done around the house, but that's okay. She's only little once.


  1. Wow, she is getting so big! I always hate how fast they grow the first few months. It's almost as if you blink, and suddenly they're sitting up, then crawling and walking! Enjoy her!

  2. I am so happy to see you BLOGGING! And Anna is such an angel...I can't believe how big she is already! Seriously, she is such a beauty (and she gets it from you!!) I hope you're having fun and sleeping whenever possible!!
