We attempted to take Anna's 3 month portrait instead of going to a photography studio, here is the result,
I liked it, and that's what's important. The biggest problems we had was getting her to smile when we put a camera in front of her face and getting her to keep still. We will probably get her six month professionally done, but I'll take a crack at it before we take her in to see if I can do it.
I also received a calling as our primary chorister. I am so excited for this calling. I love teaching music to children. It is a little overwhelming right now because we have 90 kids in our primary, but hopefully in a few weeks I'll start being more comfortable with it.
Mark and I went to the Utah Symphony last night and heard Pictures at an Exhibition by Mussorgsky. It is a beautiful piece. It was the first piece I ever played with an orchestra when I was 13 and holds a special place in my heart. I was tearing up at the end. It would be wonderful to play with an orchestra again, but it's also wonderful being a mommy. Maybe someday I can play again, but for now I'm happy listening to great music and raising Anna.
Recently Anna has started sucking on EVERYTHING. We got a front pack and put her in it, within 2 minutes it was soaked. She loves sitting in it and sucking, she fussed when we took her out.
She is also giggling up a storm. The other day I was tapping a spatula against a pan and Mark was standing next to me with her. She just started laughing and wouldn't stop. Every time I tapped my spatula she giggled. I love making her laugh. Anna also had her four month check-up. She is doing great, but her weight is falling off. She weighed 11lb.11oz. which is in the 14%. She hadn't gained anything in 2 weeks so we need to start supplementing her with formula. Other than that she is as healthy as can be.
And on a slightly depressing note, I was watching t.v. Friday night when it made a flicker and died. Mark wouldn't believe me when I called him, he thought it had a lot of good years left, but after examining the patient he deemed it dead. It was bought in 1994, so it lasted a good 16 years. We always said that we would let this t.v. die and then buy a new one, we just figured it wouldn't happen sandwiched between us buying a new car and going on a vacation. We'll get a new t.v. eventually, I'm just not sure when. So for now this is what I have to watch,
It is such a pitiful sight, I can barely read writing on it from my couch. It is the 13 inch t.v. my parents bought in the mid 90's to go in our kitchen. On a positive note, Mark says it has really good picture quality.
I hope everyone has a great day!
Anna is so sweet and cute! She's growing fast. I love babies giggles! And I LOVE the TV ;).
ReplyDeleteI LOVE that front pack picture - it seriously made me crack up!! And babies are so funny...Lily never slobbered a day in her life, but Charlie slobbered every day until he was 1! I remember when Brenna used to just put a bib on him every day because he would slobber so much! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!
ReplyDeleteNew TV time! Wow you guys are movin on up with the car AND the TV. You aren't just going to talk about it for 4 years are you?
ReplyDeleteOh Heather... Little Anna is so cute. I also cracked up laughing at the picture of her slobbering all over the front pack :)
ReplyDeleteSo we actually just got a new tv. I bet we could lend you our old one till you got a new one. It's about 25 inches and it is just sitting in our basement right now. Let me know and we will figure out a time to make it up there with it.
Oooh I'm so jealous! You got to go to the symphony and hear Pictures at an Exhibition?!? Lucky duck! I was playing some of that on the piano for my girls the other day and crying because I don't think I'll ever get to play it in an orchestra. I agree that being home with the kids is great, but I still miss the music days and hope I get a chance to play again someday.
ReplyDeleteWow- I can't believe she only weighs 11 lbs.! She is just so long and skinny. Adorable though! I love how they want to chew on everything like that. Watch out for those teeth.