Monday, May 10, 2010

Moab and other fun stuff

Last week Mark, Anna, and I went to Moab with my friend from high school and her husband. We had so much fun. We explored Arches and Canyonlands National Parks and Goblin Valley. I don't know which place I liked more, they were all so much fun. We needed more time down there. Anna hated being in the car, I think the 5 hour drive down scarred her for life,

but she loved hiking around in the front pack.

We had a lot of fun and are definitely going back to this area. Here are some more pics for you to look at.

Goblin Valley State Park

Arches National Park

Canyonlands National Park

Dead Horse Point State Park

Mark and I love the National Parks, we hope someday to visit them all(except the ones in Alaska). So far we have six down and about 50 more to go. We highly suggest making a trip down here, it was a lot of fun.


  1. It looks like you guys had so much fun! In all my years living in Utah, I've never made it down there. Maybe we should do it! And I am so glad you picked up that hat for Anna...looks like she definitely needed it!
    PS: Can't wait for the party at your house! :)

  2. hey Heather... found your blog while surfing other's blogs... hope you don't mind I add you to my list! Looks like a fun trip!
