now she needs to learn how to roll the other way:)
She has also discovered that her feet taste yummy. I didn't see it, but Mark said she was sucking on her foot last night. This is the best picture I got of it.
Anna accomplished yet a third milestone this week, she started eating rice cereal. I was little nervous about trying it, but she absolutely loved it.
Here she is in her high chair getting ready for the big event.
Here is the first bite.
She insisted on holding the spoon and feeding herself. We couldn't give her a bite without her holding the spoon.
And here she is all finished.
She had so much fun. Mark and I couldn't feed ourselves until she was all done, because she kept wanting more to eat. She is growing up so fast, it's fun to watch all of these milestones happen.
As for me, I've been out working in my garden. We got a lot of stuff done this past weekend when it was so nice. Here is my garden, I'm proud of it this year, it is doing really well.
Life has been busy, but it has also been a lot of fun. I'll keep you updated on all of Anna's accomplishments.